Irrational Monster Blog

We are excited to announce we are back and better than ever. We aim to promote and shape the progression of social, art and music culture by providing an outlet for all artist to showcase their works and talents here on Irrational Monster. From this this we want to feature the best of the best, artists in literature, music, paint, drawing, whatever your outlet my be, that stand for something and convey the message we strive to define. The beautiful thing is there is no finite answer and together we all have the chance to contribute to a meaning.

That being said we have tons of exciting content coming your way. Features, exclusive interviews, unparallelled editorials, forums for followers to post their work. Finally, last but not least a store showcasing the latest Irrational Monster merch and artist works.

We hope you follow us on this journey and contribute to it. After all an Irrational Monster wouldn’t be anything with you.

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